Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Surley Maclaine

Today I had the good fortune of having my attention stolen by the "Gentleman Highwayman," James Maclaine. A kindly thug roundabouts the Hyde Park area of Englad in the mid 1700's. He fell in to cahoots with a destitute apothecary by the name of William Plunkett. The two got together, compared there respective positions and took to highway robbery. At one point they robbed and accidentally shot a one Horace Walpole. Maclaine sent him this courtly letter to try and patch things up. But all good things, as they do, come to an end. They were both eventually caught trying to sell ripped off goods to the people who had been ripped off, and Maclaine was hanged on October 3, 1750. Plunkett however escaped with both his money and his life. No one seems to care much about his exploits after that point. There is a film "somewhat" based around their exploits called titled, appropriately, "Plunkett and Macleane."

from Wikipedia
and Stand and Deliver

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